Friday, May 6, 2011

Smelly Eddie

This was a really cool project. I had a great opportunity to work with my friend Morgaine Godwin on it. We wanted to create a fun and dirty fourth grade kid. We gave him an aviator hat and cape to play him up a bit. I feel the trash can and trash was a great effect because, well he's smelly Eddie. I had a great time and was very pleased with the outcome. 

Literary Illustration

This project required me to create an illustration based off of a line in a poem. I chose an excerpt from a poem entitled in search of. The line states "We are the dreamers and as long as we dream we will never die; You know why, because no one ever really dies."I chose to design a robot project a dream out of his head. I chose a robot to represent the "we will never die" line because robots never die they can only be deprogrammed. I wanted him to project a dream because to me it felt organic. I say this because dreaming is intrinsically human, therefore a robot could not relate. I feel the robot and dream create a harmonious juxtaposition between living things, and manufactured things. I had a great time working on this project, and I am pleased with my results.

Photo Realism

This past semester I was asked to re create a dove soap box. This was especially hard for me because I like to create my own ideas so I was quite uncomfortable with this project. I quickly found out that re creating something is a very meticulous project. However, I am extremely grateful for this task becuase it stretched me and without doubt made me a better designer. From this project I learned how to properly use the pen tool and gradient mesh tool. What I felt would be the most boring project actually turned out to be my favorite. I am extremely grateful for this project and I am happy with the results.

Web Design Template

With the web design template I wanted to create a design that looked like it was sketched and fun. I decided to go with characters, and white silhouettes for the theme of the web site. I have always been enamored with brands such as Original Fake, and Bathing Ape all of whom rely heavily on characters and graphics. So it is no surprise to me that I decided to go this route. However, I ran into a few problems while designing. One problem was how to pull of the characters with out making them look really cheesy. I had added effects to them, but I was told to take the effects off to give them a cleaner look. I also had trouble with keeping a consistent layout, because I had so many different ideas I wanted to portray in the design. All in all I am excited and happy with the turnout of my design.